CRTF Telecon - 05-28-2014

Created by william.chong on - Updated on 07/18/2016 10:13

NOAA Climate Reanalysis Teleconference

28 May 2014, 2-3pm EDT

To view the recording for this telecon:

2:00-2:05 Welcome and introductions, Gil Compo

2:05-2:30 Daisuke Hotta and Eugenia Kalnay, Results from Proactive QC

2:30-2:45 Project page description reviews continued (3 minutes each)

Strategies to Improve Stratospheric Processes in Climate Reanalysis - PI: Long

Exploration of advanced ocean data assimilation schemes at NCEP - PI: Carton

2:45 - 2:55pm Plans and ongoing activities of synergy among Task Force participants, All

2:55 - 3:00pm Upcoming call schedule through 2015 - W. Chong

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2. Enter as a Guest with your name. Click "Enter Room".
3. Dial-in to the teleconference line via phone.
4. To share your webcam, click the 'webcam icon' at the top of the window and "Start My Webcam".
To hear the audio:
Domestic - 866-710-6541
International - 203-280-9279
Participant Passcode: 5841149
Rapporteur notes and summary go here


Wed, 05/28/2014 - 16:29

Thanks! If there is anything in the directions that needs improvement, please leave a comment (or edit the Help page itself).

I have just uploaded the presentation. It's now linked from the agenda.
Again, Thank you very much for offering us the opportunity.
- Daisuke Hotta


Wed, 05/28/2014 - 14:38

If you are receiving too many emails as members make small changes to pages, you can choose to receive a digest under the My Account->Notifications->Overview-> link Edit your notifications settings ->Account->Messaging and Notification Settings-> pull down to Short Digest or Full Digest.


Wed, 05/28/2014 - 14:19

Craig and William, I believe that you worked on a page on meetings, but I don't see anything on the page that is linked at . Would you change the link to point to the page you started? thanks, gil


Wed, 05/28/2014 - 14:17

Xiquan, If you would include your notes as an entry on the page itself, that will allow others to edit and revise, too. Use the Edit tab at the top of the page. Thanks! gil

3) Carton's presentation: Ocean assimilation
Hybrid Filter can help. SST simulation over ocean within 100 m over different regions.


Yan Xue: RMSE......? No salility data ? Have you done real observations to compare with your simulations?

Lady (?)

Gil: Ensamble filter is better? Yes.

Arun: All ensambles used surface forcing? Yes.

How did you chose alpha? Small alpha can have better results.

1) Daisuke will present their results: Two topics.

Xiquan Dong: Add slide number, how to quantitatively see your improved dataset?
Gil: More sensitive to WInter or summer from your results?
Arun: Qced data can improve your data analysis?

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