Observation Sources:
The International Comprehensive Ocean Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) 1662-present: contains the full suite of meteorological variables and also sea surface temperature from marine platforms such as ships and buoys.
Met Office Hadley Centre Integrated Ocean Database (HadIOD) 1850-present: A database of global in situ ocean temperature and salinity observations with quantified measurement errors and quality flags (updated monthly). Blends observations from the surface and sub-surface in a single product. Data are extracted into NetCDF format for release. Uses ICOADS, EN4 and CMEMS data. Detailed user guide available.
World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) 1990 - 2002
The WOCE data set is the most comprehensive data set ever collected from the global ocean. The NCEI site provides access to the final (3rd) version of the data set collected during the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (1990-1997).
World Ocean Database 2018 (WOD) is an update of World Ocean
The WOD consists of periodic major releases and quarterly updates to those releases. Each major release is associated with a concurrent release of the World Ocean Atlas (WOA), and contains final quality control flags used in the WOA, which includes manual as well as automated steps. Each quarterly update release includes additional historical and recent data and preliminary quality control. The latest major release is World Ocean Database 2018 (WOD18), which includes more than 15.7 million oceanographic casts made up of 3.56 billion individual profile measurements.
RECovery of Logbooks And International Marine data (RECLAIM) Project. A cooperative international project to locate and image historical ship logbooks and related marine data and metadata from archives across the globe, and to digitize the meteorological and oceanographic observations for merger into the International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) and for utilization for climate research. The project seeks to provide expert guidance and assistance to data rescue projects, concerning national archive holdings, and the content and characteristics of their marine records, historical observational practices, and metadata.
Oldweather (Oldweather.org) is helping scientists recover worldwide weather observations made by Royal Navy ships around the time of World War I. These transcriptions will contribute to climate model projections and improve a database of weather extremes. Historians will use the work to track past ship movements and the stories of the people on board.
Atmospheric Circulation Reconstructions over the Earth (ACRE) working group on Data Rescue.
Re: Marine