Adding a Task Force project page to NCRTF

Created by gilbert.p.comp… on - Updated on 07/18/2016 10:13

How does this work?

To Add a New Page to NCRTF part of the site

  1. Use the "Add a Page" link in the left menu. This will be in the menu set under you login name.
  2. To SAVE your new page, first the Section field is required. It is in the Vocabularies area. Set this to Task Forces.

  3. Just above the Save button are a series of left-hand navigation tabs:

    Menu Settings


    URL Path Setting

    Comment setting

    Revision Information

    Book Outline

    You must click on


    and pull the

    Section menu down to Task Forces.

    Pull the Visibility menu down to NCRTF 

    For these Task Force pages, please leave the Menu Settings blank.

  4. Under the URL Path Setting, you can make a simple name for the URL, instead of letting drupal choose a long name based on your page title. Uncheck automatic alias and put something simple. For the ozone parameterization project, I used task-forces/ozone. Capture the URL for your page, you will need it later.

Note that you can contribute to an existing page in the following ways:

  1. Add a comment at the end of the page
  2. Edit the page directly by clicking on the "Edit" tab.

If you want to see how pages have changed over time, click the "Revisions" tab.

All the pages you create are private by default and can only be viewed by other members of the site. 

The NOAA Climate Reanalysis Task Force should make pages as NCRTF in the Vocabularies -> Section.

for future references: To make a page available to the public, view the page under the "Edit" tab, scroll down to the

Vocabularies. Click on Vocabularies and pull down the Visibility menu to "Public".

Then, Remember to Save.


ADD your page to the Projects page

1. Copy your page's URL to a text editor or other window.

2. Now Navigate to the list of NCRTF Projects at

which is where you want to add and link your project page.

3. Select the Edit tab and type in your project name and the PI name in the editor window.

Very Important!  You must use the save button at the bottom of the page to save your work.  Save often!

4. To make the link to your page, highlight your project name in the editor window, click the link icon (it looks like chain in the 2nd row), and paste or type the URL to your page. To see images of how to do this, go to the very similar procedure on the page add a file or image.

5. Then use the Save button at the bottom. Questions? Leave a comment at the bottom of this page.


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