Inter-reanalysis Studies

Created by on - Updated on 07/18/2016 10:13

Ocean Atmosphere Feedbacks in NCEP/NCAR, NCEP-DOE, ERA-40, JRA-25, CFSR, and MERRA are compared with each other and observational estimates in Kumar, A., and Z.-Z. Hu, 2012: Uncertainty in the ocean-atmosphere feedbacks associated with ENSO in the reanalysis products. Clim. Dyn., 39 (3-4), 575-588. doi: 10.1007/s00382-011-1104-3.


Ocean reanalyses for initializing decadal climate predictions using GECCO, SODA, and [ECMWF]-ORA-S3 are compared in Kröger, J., W. Müller, and J.-S. von Storch, 2012: Impact of different ocean reanalyses on decadal climate prediction. Cli. Dyn., 39, (3-4), 795-810. doi:10.1007/s00382-012-1310-7.

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