Climate Comparisons in the MERRA Atlas
The MERRA Atlas provides monthly, annual, seasonal and climate comparisons among several of the latest atmospheric reanalyses (including ERA-Interim, CFSR, and JRA25) and various global observation datasets.
Reanalysis Comparisons on the WRIT webpages
The NOAA-CIRES Web-based Reanalysis Intercomparison Tools (WRIT) has a prototype plotting/comparison page that is available for testing and commenting by users and others. To obtain a login to go to Create New Account.
Observational Studies that examine reanalysis datasets and compare them and observations are described here.
Inter-reanalysis studies that intercompare reanalyses are described here.
WCRP Task Team for the Intercomparison of ReAnalyses (TIRA) - A group of reanalysis developers and users charged to develop a broad reanalysis intercomparison project.
SPARC Reanalysis Intercomparison Project
A coordinated activity under the WCRP/SPARC focusing on reanalysis output in the stratosphere, upper troposphere, and lower mesosphere.
Tables: Overview Comparison
ClimateDataGuide Summary and Comparison
Ana4MIPS Data Description
Re: Comparison of ERA-Interim and NCEP/NCAR
Re: Comparison of ERA-Interim and NCEP/NCAR
Re: Comparison of ERA-Interim and NCEP/NCAR
North American atm temp: 20cr vs ncep/ncar
I am no expert on reanalyses, so I thought I would ask this community this question.
I have been comparing 20cr to ncep/ncar reanalysis. I have computed DJF mslp anomalies wrt 1981-2010 over part of the North Atlantic (40W-5E, 45-70N). Not only do the two agree very well in the overlap period but there is very little spread in the 20cr ensemble in values going back to 1900. Perhaps to be expected, but I am very pleased by this!
For 850hPa T over part of North America (70-110W, 40-65N), however, the range in the early part of the series is larger and while the comparison with the ncep/ncar shows reasonable agreement in terms of the year-to-year variations, there are instances where the ncep/ncar data are outside the range of the 20cr ensemble, even in the most recent years.
Presumably ncep/ncar is a better estimate in recent times as it includes radiosonde/satellite observations, but would the range of the 20cr be expected to include the other reanalysis? Or is that not expected based on the biases in the underlying model?
Any guidance would be very gratefully received.
Re: North American atm temp: 20cr vs ncep/ncar
Re: Comparison
I'm new to this site and have just prepared a page in my own 'area'. After some fiddling around, I seemed to get something going, though will need some fine-tuning as I re-learn Wiki. It deals with an issue regarding some trends in the US Reanalysis data sets and I've obtained some EC data for comparison. Hence it will have some focus on comparison, so I suppose the heading of this thread is apt.
My question is: If I have done the right thing by doing it in my area, how do I get it linked into the main site for others to have a read?
Sorry for troubling you but I sincerely think is an important issue for the folks here to consider.
I warmly appreciate what the site is about and look forward to helping the cause.
Re: Comparison
Re: Comparison
Wind Velocity
Re: Wind Velocity
Typically, there is meteorology produced at 2m and 10m above the surface. MERRA produces winds at 50m, and also the lowest model level. the lowest model level does not have a fixed height above the surface, but the geopotential height of the lowest model level is also provided. pressure level wind profile data is also provided, but again, not at a fixed height, geopotential height is provided. 80m is an atypical height for most reanalysis output. In the case of MERRA, you would need the 2 lowest model levels to interpolate to that height. These are available in 3D data files, but, there would be a substantial amount of work to get the interpolated winds.
Another general answer to your question is to read the documentation associated with the reanalysis system that you are using to determine which height the data are at, in case it is not obvious (such as u2m and v2m).
I hope this helps,
Comparison of ERA-Interim and NCEP/NCAR