How to add a file or an image to an existing page

Created by gilbert.p.comp… on - Updated on 07/18/2016 10:13


Upload Files | Upload Images

These are the allowed attachment types:

doc docx jpg jpeg gif png txt xls xlsx pdf pps ppt pptx odt ods odp

To upload and link a file:

1. Select the Edit tab on an existing page


Select Add a Page under your account menu.

2. Highlight the text to link and select the link icon (looks like a chain link).

you can also go straight to the link icon. will make a link name for you.

3. In the Link dialog box, select Browse Server.

4. The File Browser should open to your home directory on this server. 


Choose Upload

then either choose Browse to select a file from your local computer and select Upload to make it a local file


Select an existing file on this server

After the file is chosen, select Insert file.

5. The Link dialog will contain Protocol: <other> URL:<local path to chosen file>.


6. Click OK and the link should be active to open the file when clicked.

7. You can change the text and the link will still point to the file.


Upload an Image

use the image button (looks a mountain with a moon)

and follow the same procedure as above.

Inserting images directly into the editor also works [at least for images copied from Preview on a Mac].


Xuepeng, Using the left hand navigation, go to My account. Then select the tab "File Browser". Select the folder "groups". Click on the file you uploaded by mistake. Under the tabs is a row of icons: Upload, Thumbnails, Delete, Resize, Manage Directories. Click Delete. This should allow you to remove the file. best wishes, gil

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