CRTF Telecon - 09-24-2014

Created by william.chong on - Updated on 07/18/2016 10:13

NOAA Climate Reanalysis Teleconference

24 September 2014, 2-3pm EDT



Rapporteur: James Carton


2-2:05 Welcome and introduction - Gil Compo, CIRES and NOAA ESRL

Gil covered a few information items.  1) A technical change: Apparently is moving to godaddy.  Also, Gil demonstrates and encourages use of cameras for future calls. 

2:05-2:35  Data assimilation activities at GFDL - Xiaosong Yang, GFDL

Among the followup questions to Xiaosong's presentation was whether they will extend their analysis to 1979-pres (yes); questions about whether the reanalysis assimilates ocean profile data (yes); what impact has there been on the ocean of the assimilation (more limited).  There was some discussion of the correlations at 500mb and their relation to SST.

2:35-2:45 - Discussion of Science issues for focus of year

Enthusiasm was expressed about all four suggested foci (below) and a vote on priorities turned out to be fairly uniform with a slight favoring of the hydrologic cycle.  Prashant spoke in favor of adding aerosols to the list of foci.  The question was also asked: which of these topics is our group particularly strong.  However, it was noted in response that we can always invite outside experts to contribute if the topic under discussion is not a strength of the current membership.  After some discussion I believe we concluded we would try maintaining a loose focus.

2:45-2:55 - Discussion of upcoming meetings (e.g., S-RIP, AGU sessions)

There was some discussion of upcoming telecons and of community meetings of relevance to this group.  Carton will be arranging two ocean data assimilation speakers for the October meeting. 

2:55-3:00 - plans for upcoming calls - Co-Leads

Follow-up Action item from June telecon: rapporteur Jesse Meng

starts a page with connections between projects that project members add to.


Follow-up Action item from June telecon: All members

Outstanding science issues to use as Task Force focus for next year.

Make comments on this page with ideas.

Foci ideas

1. Hydrological cycle, salinity, and water vapor

2. Total Heat transport and storage in ocean and atmosphere

3. Polar changes

4. Extreme events in reanalysis


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International - 203-280-9279
Participant Passcode: 5841149


Fri, 10/03/2014 - 14:58

Dear Gil, Yes, we use vertical localization and set the vertical localization down to zero at 100 MB, so maybe it is too strong. We are testing this now. Thanks. Xiaosong


Fri, 10/03/2014 - 13:57

Dear Xiaosong, Are you using a vertical localization? If so, how far in the vertical do the pressure observations increment other variables in the tropics? Perhaps this is part of the low correlations between the z500 from your fields and from ERA-40. best wishes, gil

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