3 Jul 2017 TIRA Telecon Notes

Created by michael.bosilovich on - Updated on 09/20/2017 09:43

Review of Special Issue poll

Jerry Potter - CREATE Ensemble of reanalyses

Attendees : Shinya,  Masatomo, Mich, Mike B, Matthais, Jerry Potter, Hans, Wesley

Jerry presented his ppt on developing an ensemble of reanalyses, with wome questions and request for guidance on the procedure. Some of the questions included  what resolution ot develop the ensemble (reanalyses have a range of resolution, should it be on the finest grid or coarse?), which pressure levels to produce (mapping to CMIP models p-levels), and which other variables to add?


At the moment only MERRA, MERRA-2, Interim, CFSR and JRA55 included, but can add JRA-25. There was some discussion about whether to include the non-satellite reanalyses (20CR, ERA-20C etc).  Leaning toward not, since they are at a disadvantage without satellite data during the modern period. However, we eventually discussed a test period, and also to keep the process flexible to adapt to addition of new reanalyses.

Ultimately, there were several notes that this would be a useful thing to do, for both users and developers.

Results from the ICR5 Special Issue on Intercomparison of Reanalyses  questionaire indicates that there are several in the group who are interested in a special issue and are willing to  contribute.  Mike B will  draft a letter to the org committee to see what plans they may have for a special issue(s) and if they would want TIRA members to contribute in this way.


Mattias provided a brief summary of GDAP


Looking to late August for the next telecon

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