pgrbensmeananl_plus3 variables

Created by laura.slivinski on - Updated on 10/26/2018 15:57
wgrib2 -verf -v output for pgrbensmeananl_YYYYMMDDHH+3.grb2
These are all variables that have been updated with assimilation of obs from YYYYMMDDHH
“vt=” gives verification time (=YYYYMMDDHH)


1:0:vt=2011010103:HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:1000 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

2:99512:vt=2011010103:HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:975 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

3:197299:vt=2011010103:HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:950 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

4:292054:vt=2011010103:HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:925 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

5:385213:vt=2011010103:HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:900 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

6:478257:vt=2011010103:HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:850 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

7:567768:vt=2011010103:HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:800 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

8:656132:vt=2011010103:HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:750 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

9:743810:vt=2011010103:HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:700 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

10:831327:vt=2011010103:HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:650 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

11:919008:vt=2011010103:HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:600 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

12:1006991:vt=2011010103:HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:550 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

13:1094329:vt=2011010103:HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:500 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

14:1182593:vt=2011010103:HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:450 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

15:1273337:vt=2011010103:HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:400 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

16:1365300:vt=2011010103:HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:350 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

17:1458475:vt=2011010103:HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:300 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

18:1552638:vt=2011010103:HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:250 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

19:1647128:vt=2011010103:HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:200 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

20:1740886:vt=2011010103:HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:150 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

21:1830642:vt=2011010103:HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:100 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

22:1915425:vt=2011010103:HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:70 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

23:1995627:vt=2011010103:HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:50 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

24:2072482:vt=2011010103:HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:30 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

25:2146491:vt=2011010103:HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:20 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

26:2219779:vt=2011010103:HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:10 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

27:2294786:vt=2011010103:HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:5 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

28:2371446:vt=2011010103:HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:1 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

29:2452159:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:1000 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

30:2508736:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:975 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

31:2565239:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:950 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

32:2624405:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:925 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

33:2682919:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:900 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

34:2739408:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:850 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

35:2793119:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:800 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

36:2842393:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:750 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

37:2888919:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:700 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

38:2933912:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:650 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

39:2977375:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:600 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

40:3019417:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:550 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

41:3060238:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:500 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

42:3098973:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:450 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

43:3136619:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:400 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

44:3173443:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:350 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

45:3209008:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:300 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

46:3244527:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:250 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

47:3279573:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:200 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

48:3314797:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:150 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

49:3348623:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:100 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

50:3379778:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:70 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

51:3409072:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:50 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

52:3436108:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:30 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

53:3459215:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:20 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

54:3481812:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:10 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

55:3503959:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:5 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

56:3526623:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:1 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

57:3548452:vt=2011010103:VVEL Vertical Velocity (Pressure) [Pa/s]:1000 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

58:3653112:vt=2011010103:VVEL Vertical Velocity (Pressure) [Pa/s]:975 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

59:3764990:vt=2011010103:VVEL Vertical Velocity (Pressure) [Pa/s]:950 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

60:3881311:vt=2011010103:VVEL Vertical Velocity (Pressure) [Pa/s]:925 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

61:3999932:vt=2011010103:VVEL Vertical Velocity (Pressure) [Pa/s]:900 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

62:4119246:vt=2011010103:VVEL Vertical Velocity (Pressure) [Pa/s]:850 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

63:4237877:vt=2011010103:VVEL Vertical Velocity (Pressure) [Pa/s]:800 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

64:4354799:vt=2011010103:VVEL Vertical Velocity (Pressure) [Pa/s]:750 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

65:4469645:vt=2011010103:VVEL Vertical Velocity (Pressure) [Pa/s]:700 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

66:4582460:vt=2011010103:VVEL Vertical Velocity (Pressure) [Pa/s]:650 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

67:4693061:vt=2011010103:VVEL Vertical Velocity (Pressure) [Pa/s]:600 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

68:4801516:vt=2011010103:VVEL Vertical Velocity (Pressure) [Pa/s]:550 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

69:4908034:vt=2011010103:VVEL Vertical Velocity (Pressure) [Pa/s]:500 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

70:5011472:vt=2011010103:VVEL Vertical Velocity (Pressure) [Pa/s]:450 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

71:5113005:vt=2011010103:VVEL Vertical Velocity (Pressure) [Pa/s]:400 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

72:5212312:vt=2011010103:VVEL Vertical Velocity (Pressure) [Pa/s]:350 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

73:5308308:vt=2011010103:VVEL Vertical Velocity (Pressure) [Pa/s]:300 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

74:5399594:vt=2011010103:VVEL Vertical Velocity (Pressure) [Pa/s]:250 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

75:5483167:vt=2011010103:VVEL Vertical Velocity (Pressure) [Pa/s]:200 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

76:5557648:vt=2011010103:VVEL Vertical Velocity (Pressure) [Pa/s]:150 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

77:5618624:vt=2011010103:VVEL Vertical Velocity (Pressure) [Pa/s]:100 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

78:5664016:vt=2011010103:SPFH Specific Humidity [kg/kg]:1000 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

79:5748124:vt=2011010103:SPFH Specific Humidity [kg/kg]:975 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

80:5831949:vt=2011010103:SPFH Specific Humidity [kg/kg]:950 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

81:5917177:vt=2011010103:SPFH Specific Humidity [kg/kg]:925 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

82:6004224:vt=2011010103:SPFH Specific Humidity [kg/kg]:900 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

83:6092393:vt=2011010103:SPFH Specific Humidity [kg/kg]:850 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

84:6181909:vt=2011010103:SPFH Specific Humidity [kg/kg]:800 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

85:6269924:vt=2011010103:SPFH Specific Humidity [kg/kg]:750 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

86:6355071:vt=2011010103:SPFH Specific Humidity [kg/kg]:700 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

87:6436576:vt=2011010103:SPFH Specific Humidity [kg/kg]:650 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

88:6514110:vt=2011010103:SPFH Specific Humidity [kg/kg]:600 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

89:6585650:vt=2011010103:SPFH Specific Humidity [kg/kg]:550 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

90:6651888:vt=2011010103:SPFH Specific Humidity [kg/kg]:500 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

91:6712963:vt=2011010103:SPFH Specific Humidity [kg/kg]:450 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

92:6766902:vt=2011010103:SPFH Specific Humidity [kg/kg]:400 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

93:6814843:vt=2011010103:SPFH Specific Humidity [kg/kg]:350 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

94:6853483:vt=2011010103:SPFH Specific Humidity [kg/kg]:300 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

95:6882782:vt=2011010103:SPFH Specific Humidity [kg/kg]:250 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

96:6903367:vt=2011010103:SPFH Specific Humidity [kg/kg]:200 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

97:6915047:vt=2011010103:SPFH Specific Humidity [kg/kg]:150 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

98:6919519:vt=2011010103:SPFH Specific Humidity [kg/kg]:100 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

99:6919728:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:1000 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

100:6985731:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:975 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

101:7052376:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:950 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

102:7118816:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:925 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

103:7185765:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:900 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

104:7251652:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:850 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

105:7315006:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:800 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

106:7378168:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:750 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

107:7439733:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:700 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

108:7497636:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:650 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

109:7554687:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:600 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

110:7610795:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:550 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

111:7667467:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:500 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

112:7722881:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:450 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

113:7779474:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:400 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

114:7835662:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:350 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

115:7892303:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:300 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

116:7949730:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:250 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

117:8005739:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:200 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

118:8058963:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:150 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

119:8106515:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:100 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

120:8148335:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:70 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

121:8186293:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:50 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

122:8220395:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:30 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

123:8250600:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:20 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

124:8280083:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:10 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

125:8308820:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:5 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

126:8338632:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:1 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

127:8369910:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:1000 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

128:8439534:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:975 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

129:8510730:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:950 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

130:8582295:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:925 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

131:8653104:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:900 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

132:8723102:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:850 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

133:8791952:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:800 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

134:8859457:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:750 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

135:8924547:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:700 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

136:8987014:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:650 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

137:9048449:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:600 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

138:9108974:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:550 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

139:9171394:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:500 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

140:9233810:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:450 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

141:9295062:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:400 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

142:9356843:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:350 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

143:9419077:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:300 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

144:9481812:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:250 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

145:9541813:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:200 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

146:9598644:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:150 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

147:9648779:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:100 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

148:9692472:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:70 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

149:9729874:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:50 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

150:9763226:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:30 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

151:9791674:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:20 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

152:9818124:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:10 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

153:9844048:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:5 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

154:9869378:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:1 mb:3 hour fcst:ens mean

155:9897383:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:12 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

156:9960158:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:20 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

157:10022921:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:30 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

158:10085533:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:50 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

159:10147836:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:80 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

160:10209693:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:100 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

161:10271451:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:150 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

162:10332855:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:200 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

163:10393938:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:250 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

164:10454703:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:300 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

165:10515254:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:500 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

166:10575647:vt=2011010103:RH Relative Humidity [%]:12 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

167:10625047:vt=2011010103:RH Relative Humidity [%]:20 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

168:10674427:vt=2011010103:RH Relative Humidity [%]:30 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

169:10723572:vt=2011010103:RH Relative Humidity [%]:50 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

170:10772663:vt=2011010103:RH Relative Humidity [%]:80 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

171:10821742:vt=2011010103:RH Relative Humidity [%]:100 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

172:10870701:vt=2011010103:RH Relative Humidity [%]:150 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

173:10919658:vt=2011010103:RH Relative Humidity [%]:200 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

174:10968602:vt=2011010103:RH Relative Humidity [%]:250 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

175:11017509:vt=2011010103:RH Relative Humidity [%]:300 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

176:11065287:vt=2011010103:RH Relative Humidity [%]:500 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

177:11114903:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:12 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

178:11178723:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:20 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

179:11242541:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:30 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

180:11306623:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:50 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

181:11371161:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:80 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

182:11436114:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:100 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

183:11501287:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:150 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

184:11566652:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:200 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

185:11633224:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:250 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

186:11699737:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:300 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

187:11765910:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:500 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

188:11830803:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:12 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

189:11898961:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:20 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

190:11967147:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:30 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

191:12035579:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:50 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

192:12104779:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:80 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

193:12174812:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:100 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

194:12245156:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:150 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

195:12316146:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:200 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

196:12387402:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:250 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

197:12458764:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:300 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

198:12530112:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:500 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

199:12600534:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:300 K isentropic level:3 hour fcst:ens mean

200:12661253:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:330 K isentropic level:3 hour fcst:ens mean

201:12707541:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:350 K isentropic level:3 hour fcst:ens mean

202:12751828:vt=2011010103:PVORT Potential Vorticity [Km^2/kg/s]:300 K isentropic level:3 hour fcst:ens mean

203:12794661:vt=2011010103:PVORT Potential Vorticity [Km^2/kg/s]:330 K isentropic level:3 hour fcst:ens mean

204:12825587:vt=2011010103:PVORT Potential Vorticity [Km^2/kg/s]:350 K isentropic level:3 hour fcst:ens mean

205:12856366:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:300 K isentropic level:3 hour fcst:ens mean

206:12920359:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:330 K isentropic level:3 hour fcst:ens mean

207:12974244:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:350 K isentropic level:3 hour fcst:ens mean

208:13024979:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:300 K isentropic level:3 hour fcst:ens mean

209:13093067:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:330 K isentropic level:3 hour fcst:ens mean

210:13150055:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:350 K isentropic level:3 hour fcst:ens mean

211:13205068:vt=2011010103:PRES Pressure [Pa]:surface:3 hour fcst:ens mean

212:13361848:vt=2011010103:PWAT Precipitable Water [kg/m^2]:entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer):3 hour fcst:ens mean

213:13426828:vt=2011010103:RH Relative Humidity [%]:entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer):3 hour fcst:ens mean

214:13460586:vt=2011010103:HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:tropopause:3 hour fcst:ens mean

215:13618631:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:tropopause:3 hour fcst:ens mean

216:13665886:vt=2011010103:PRES Pressure [Pa]:tropopause:3 hour fcst:ens mean

217:13808753:vt=2011010103:VWSH Vertical Speed Shear [1/s]:tropopause:3 hour fcst:ens mean

218:13869401:vt=2011010103:CAPE Convective Available Potential Energy [J/kg]:surface:3 hour fcst:ens mean

219:13920145:vt=2011010103:CIN Convective Inhibition [J/kg]:surface:3 hour fcst:ens mean

220:13958199:vt=2011010103:HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:surface:3 hour fcst:ens mean

221:14101419:vt=2011010103:PRMSL Pressure Reduced to MSL [Pa]:mean sea level:3 hour fcst:ens mean

222:14205279:vt=2011010103:POT Potential Temperature [K]:0.995 sigma level:3 hour fcst:ens mean

223:14266071:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:0.995 sigma level:3 hour fcst:ens mean

224:14328427:vt=2011010103:VVEL Vertical Velocity (Pressure) [Pa/s]:0.995 sigma level:3 hour fcst:ens mean

225:14431448:vt=2011010103:RH Relative Humidity [%]:0.995 sigma level:3 hour fcst:ens mean

226:14480516:vt=2011010103:TOZNE Total Ozone [DU]:entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer):3 hour fcst:ens mean

227:14543216:vt=2011010103:CWAT Cloud Water [kg/m^2]:entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer):3 hour fcst:ens mean

228:14593530:vt=2011010103:HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:0C isotherm:3 hour fcst:ens mean

229:14737644:vt=2011010103:RH Relative Humidity [%]:0C isotherm:3 hour fcst:ens mean

230:14788932:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:tropopause:3 hour fcst:ens mean

231:14849258:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:0.995 sigma level:3 hour fcst:ens mean

232:14913478:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:tropopause:3 hour fcst:ens mean

233:14972454:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:0.995 sigma level:3 hour fcst:ens mean

234:15041226:vt=2011010103:SHTFL Sensible Heat Net Flux [W/m^2]:surface:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

235:15109226:vt=2011010103:LHTFL Latent Heat Net Flux [W/m^2]:surface:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

236:15183305:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:surface:3 hour fcst:ens mean

237:15254839:vt=2011010103:SOILW Volumetric Soil Moisture Content [Fraction]:0-0.1 m below ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

238:15301244:vt=2011010103:SOILW Volumetric Soil Moisture Content [Fraction]:0.1-0.4 m below ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

239:15347954:vt=2011010103:SOILW Volumetric Soil Moisture Content [Fraction]:0.4-1 m below ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

240:15395423:vt=2011010103:SOILW Volumetric Soil Moisture Content [Fraction]:1-2 m below ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

241:15442591:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:0-0.1 m below ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

242:15488258:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:0.1-0.4 m below ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

243:15533840:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:0.4-1 m below ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

244:15578522:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:1-2 m below ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

245:15622334:vt=2011010103:SOILL Liquid Volumetric Soil Moisture (non Frozen) [Proportion]:0-0.1 m below ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

246:15668223:vt=2011010103:SOILL Liquid Volumetric Soil Moisture (non Frozen) [Proportion]:0.1-0.4 m below ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

247:15714871:vt=2011010103:SOILL Liquid Volumetric Soil Moisture (non Frozen) [Proportion]:0.4-1 m below ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

248:15762512:vt=2011010103:SOILL Liquid Volumetric Soil Moisture (non Frozen) [Proportion]:1-2 m below ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

249:15809535:vt=2011010103:CNWAT Plant Canopy Surface Water [kg/m^2]:surface:3 hour fcst:ens mean

250:15833707:vt=2011010103:SNOD Snow Depth [m]:surface:3 hour fcst:ens mean

251:15872437:vt=2011010103:WEASD Water Equivalent of Accumulated Snow Depth [kg/m^2]:surface:3 hour fcst:ens mean

252:15895450:vt=2011010103:DLWRF Downward Long-Wave Rad. Flux [W/m^2]:surface:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

253:15958744:vt=2011010103:ULWRF Upward Long-Wave Rad. Flux [W/m^2]:surface:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

254:16016930:vt=2011010103:ULWRF Upward Long-Wave Rad. Flux [W/m^2]:top of atmosphere:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

255:16072225:vt=2011010103:USWRF Upward Short-Wave Radiation Flux [W/m^2]:top of atmosphere:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

256:16118307:vt=2011010103:USWRF Upward Short-Wave Radiation Flux [W/m^2]:surface:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

257:16150447:vt=2011010103:DSWRF Downward Short-Wave Radiation Flux [W/m^2]:surface:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

258:16198981:vt=2011010103:DUVB UV-B Downward Solar Flux [W/m^2]:surface:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

259:16252290:vt=2011010103:CDUVB Clear sky UV-B Downward Solar Flux [W/m^2]:surface:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

260:16286334:vt=2011010103:TCDC Total Cloud Cover [%]:high cloud layer:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

261:16340326:vt=2011010103:PRES Pressure [Pa]:high cloud top level:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

262:16412797:vt=2011010103:PRES Pressure [Pa]:high cloud bottom level:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

263:16489213:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:high cloud top level:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

264:16533271:vt=2011010103:TCDC Total Cloud Cover [%]:middle cloud layer:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

265:16588563:vt=2011010103:PRES Pressure [Pa]:middle cloud top level:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

266:16635326:vt=2011010103:PRES Pressure [Pa]:middle cloud bottom level:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

267:16682443:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:middle cloud top level:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

268:16712727:vt=2011010103:TCDC Total Cloud Cover [%]:low cloud layer:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

269:16778815:vt=2011010103:PRES Pressure [Pa]:low cloud top level:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

270:16899721:vt=2011010103:PRES Pressure [Pa]:low cloud bottom level:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

271:17017291:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:low cloud top level:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

272:17074038:vt=2011010103:PRATE Precipitation Rate [kg/m^2/s]:surface:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

273:17142296:vt=2011010103:CPRAT Convective Precipitation Rate [kg/m^2/s]:surface:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

274:17189808:vt=2011010103:GFLUX Ground Heat Flux [W/m^2]:surface:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

275:17233938:vt=2011010103:LAND Land Cover (0=sea, 1=land) [Proportion]:surface:3 hour fcst:ens mean

276:17240125:vt=2011010103:ICEC Ice Cover [Proportion]:surface:3 hour fcst:ens mean

277:17250352:vt=2011010103:ICETK Ice Thickness [m]:surface:3 hour fcst:ens mean

278:17276331:vt=2011010103:TMP Temperature [K]:2 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

279:17339961:vt=2011010103:SPFH Specific Humidity [kg/kg]:2 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

280:17426722:vt=2011010103:TMAX Maximum Temperature [K]:2 m above ground:0-3 hour max fcst:ens mean

281:17489988:vt=2011010103:TMIN Minimum Temperature [K]:2 m above ground:0-3 hour min fcst:ens mean

282:17554039:vt=2011010103:WATR Water Runoff [kg/m^2]:surface:0-3 hour acc fcst:ens mean

283:17575804:vt=2011010103:PEVPR Potential Evaporation Rate [W/m^2]:surface:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

284:17621479:vt=2011010103:CWORK Cloud Work Function [J/kg]:entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer):0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

285:17656445:vt=2011010103:HPBL Planetary Boundary Layer Height [m]:surface:3 hour fcst:ens mean

286:17830427:vt=2011010103:ALBDO Albedo [%]:surface:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

287:17872516:vt=2011010103:TCDC Total Cloud Cover [%]:entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer):0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

288:17932283:vt=2011010103:TCDC Total Cloud Cover [%]:convective cloud layer:3 hour fcst:ens mean

289:17954739:vt=2011010103:PRES Pressure [Pa]:convective cloud top level:3 hour fcst:ens mean

290:17971374:vt=2011010103:PRES Pressure [Pa]:convective cloud bottom level:3 hour fcst:ens mean

291:17988003:vt=2011010103:TCDC Total Cloud Cover [%]:boundary layer cloud layer:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

292:18047457:vt=2011010103:APCP Total Precipitation [kg/m^2]:surface:0-3 hour acc fcst:ens mean

293:18080740:vt=2011010103:ACPCP Convective Precipitation [kg/m^2]:surface:0-3 hour acc fcst:ens mean

294:18103894:vt=2011010103:CRAIN Categorical Rain [-]:surface:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

295:18112544:vt=2011010103:CFRZR Categorical Freezing Rain [-]:surface:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

296:18112877:vt=2011010103:CICEP Categorical Ice Pellets [-]:surface:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

297:18113152:vt=2011010103:CSNOW Categorical Snow [-]:surface:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

298:18118361:vt=2011010103:RH Relative Humidity [%]:2 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

299:18165503:vt=2011010103:DSWRF Downward Short-Wave Radiation Flux [W/m^2]:top of atmosphere:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

300:18189604:vt=2011010103:UFLX Momentum Flux, U-Component [N/m^2]:surface:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

301:18276857:vt=2011010103:UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:10 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

302:18338684:vt=2011010103:U-GWD Zonal Flux of Gravity Wave Stress [N/m^2]:surface:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean

303:18393825:vt=2011010103:VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:10 m above ground:3 hour fcst:ens mean

304:18459881:vt=2011010103:V-GWD Meridional Flux of Gravity Wave Stress [N/m^2]:surface:0-3 hour ave fcst:ens mean


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